Spectra Breast Pumping Tips By Breast Pump At Night

Spectra Breast Pumping Tips By Breast Pump At Night

If you are expressing solely, you should try to maintain a breast pump schedule. Plan on breast pumping at night to maintain breast milk supply. You must be wondering how you should make a breast pump schedule for easier pumping at night. Well, here are the best 8 breast-pumping tips for you.

How Often You Should Pump


After every 3 hours

If you’re breastfeeding your baby directly at night, then you might not need to pump at all. Nevertheless, if you are expressing solely or your baby is not breastfeeding at night, but you want to maintain your milk supply, it’s important to plan at night.

During the early days, you should pump every 3 hours to establish your milk supply properly. Usually around 10 weeks postpartum. After these weeks you can decrease the frequency of pumping sessions. So, if you are pumping every 3 hours, then pump 2 times at night.

Spectra Pumping Before And After Sleep

pumping before and after sleep

If you are pumping every 3 hours, noting down the time is better. You can only have to wake up one time at night, even if your baby is not waking up. Pump right before you go to bed, when you are done pumping then set an alarm for 3 hours later. After waking up, start pumping as soon as you can.

Plug Your Pump In Before Bed

plugging pump before bed

Make sure to plug in your pump before going to bed, as you don’t want to stumble in the dark. If your breast pump has a rechargeable battery, then make sure that it’s fully charged. If it’s not, then plug in your breast pump to make your pumping easy at night.

Wash Your Breast Pump Parts

Getting up from your bed at night is never fun. To get everything easily, make sure to wash your breast pump parts before going to bed. Allow plenty of time for them to air dry. It will be better if you assemble your breast pump kit before sleeping.

Or buy an extra breast shield set so you don’t have to do middle-of-the-night washing!

Setup Breast Pumping Station

setting up the breast pump station

Make sure to set up your breast pump station with everything you need at night, so you can pump peacefully. Be sure to arrange your milk collection kits, spare bottles, storage bags, pumping parts you might need, a night lamp (unless your breast pump has a night light), snacks, water, towel, or even a blanket if it’s cooler at night.

It will be better if you set up the station just beside your bed at the nightstand or maybe somewhere in the same room where you are sleeping. So, you don’t need to move around the house in the dark.

Label Milk Storage Bags

labeling milk packs

If you are transferring your milk into a breastmilk storage bag, consider labeling them with time and date before they go into a freezer. It will make it easy for you, and you can go back to sleep faster.

Setting Up An Alarm

setup an alarm

If your breast pumping schedule is the same on a daily basis then set an alarm or reminder for that time. It will help you not to worry about the time after every hour and you can spend your time with your little one peacefully. Having a reminder or an alarm set ahead will make it easy for you at night too.

Have A Bathrobe And Slipper In Reach

have a bathrobe and slippers in reach

If you are getting in and out of bed throughout the night, whether for breast pumping or to check on the baby, having a bathrobe and slipper in reach will be comfortable. Especially if you live in a cold area, leaving a warm bed at night will be awful.

In The Final Analysis

These breast pumping tips will ease your life. At night, moms get lazy for breast pumping but making your breast pumping station cozy will let you stay in your comfort zone. Spectra makes pumping easy for you at night as Spectra GoldSpectra S1, and Spectra S2 come with the feature of night light.